Nora Johnson, Senior Pastor
Pastor Nora was born and raised in Peoria, IL. After a career as a high school math teacher, she responded to God’s call and earned her Masters in Divinity from Western Theological Seminary in 2019. She has been married to Michael for over 20 years and together they have two teenagers, Ari and Gabriel. Nora is passionate about teaching the Word of God and growing disciples of Christ. She has a heart for building relationships and caring for others. When she is not in the office she can be found studying God’s Word, visiting friends of Silver Creek or serving others.
Pastor Nora is typically in the office Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 AM – Noon. You can reach her at SCRCpastor@gmail.com or call 815-362-2129.
Jean Schubert, Church Secretary & Newsletter/ Website Editor
To contact Jean, you can email her at: silvercreekreformedchurch@gmail.com or call at 815-362-2129 / FAX 815-362-5111.
–Church office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
–Information for the weekly church bulletin needs to be turned in by 10:00 AM on Thursdays.
–Information for the monthly newsletter needs to be turned in by the 20th of the month before the new month begins.
Ellen Poppen, Choir Director
If you have any questions, please contact the church at 815-362-2129.
Bea Poppen, Church Organist and Bell Choir Director
If you have any questions, please contact the church at 815-362-2129.
Dave & Pat Krusey, Church Custodians
If you have any questions, please contact the church at 815-362-2129.